
Explore the latest schedule for 2024 by clicking the link below. Whether you're a dedicated team member or a curious visitor, our timetable provides insights into upcoming events and activities.

For approved Team App members, enjoy the added convenience of accessing your squad's schedule directly on your mobile phone.


Invoicing and Squad Selection

Invoicing takes place on a quarterly basis during the initial week of the school term. Charges are determined by your swimmer's squad selection. Two weeks before quarterly invoices, detailed communications will be sent to swimmer families. Adjustments to squad preferences can be made by emailing wolfpack@parnellswimclub.co.nz.

Annual Membership Fee

Term fees include the Club's annual membership fee of $210.00, distributed in four $55.00 installments across the year, billed alongside term fees.

Competitive Swimmers

Competitive swimmers will incur an additional $25.00 per term covering coaching expenses for Auckland L1, L2, and L3 meets.

SNZ Membership

Competitive swimmers are obligated to subscribe to Swimming New Zealand (SNZ). The annual SNZ membership process begins on the 1st of July of every year. Families must log in to the SNZ website to complete the process and settle the SNZ fee.

July 1st 2024 - June 30th 2025
SNZ Fee:

Additional Invoices for Major Meets

Participation in major meets may incur additional coaching fees. The amount depends on the number of races and may cover extra coaching expenses and meet-specific uniform costs.

For more detailed information, please download the updated Fee Structure.